The Revenge Project


The Revenge Project

What you say is what will be.
Say something and watch it if you don't believe me.
I knew a girl once: she had fears.
She let them come out of her mouth and into her ears.
Made them sound so real!

She'd repeat them over and over.
She was watching her monsters grow.

And they feel so lifelike.
Yes, they feel so lifelike.
Oh, the stupid lies.

Oh, her highs were high, and her lows were low, although of common kind.
The rain came down in droves as she died waiting by the phone.

The weather did reflect her life,
Her love, her lack thereof
And self fulfilling prophecies

Oh, her highs were high, and her lows were low, although of common kind.
The rain came down in droves as she died waiting by the phone.

Now she's waiting, lying waiting; she's forever waiting now.

When she said she "was fine,"
Did you look in her eyes?
Because she says she's fine
But she's not fine.