Why every time when we open Our mouths and we're Makin' a stand Against the decisions made by this Right wing corrupt government How thy're ignoring the poor and Their wars they want us to support The first thing you say is "If you wan change you should Go out and vote" Sign up - queue up If you believe in that crap and you Blend into their system telling me To shut up Sign up queue up If you believe in that crap and let Them trample on you while they are Breakin' your back You see this mindset of yours is Exactly what they like to see These politicians do really believe They're above you and me So every four years you just tick the Box of your favourite mp And you just hope that they really Stand by what they said on tv They play you like a puppet on a String make you believe there's no Way out Ticking a box won't change a thing You really think your vote will Count Just take a closer look at who is Actually running the show Their policies always help out The fat cats with plenty of dough That's how they hold on to power It fuels their election campaign If "we're all in this together" then Why ain't the bank bonus changed?