The Reputation

She Turned Your Head...

The Reputation

She came to town last summer and I could see she turned your head not three weeks after we called it off you took up with her instead 
in March you promised it 
was over and I took you at your word 'til I caught 
the tail end of her ass slipping up your stairs 
and when your light flicked on I knew you had that bitch in your bed my eyes never left your window 'til all that whiskey had fucked 
with my head I realized nothing you'd been saying 
was true across the courtyard I kept watch and stopped believing in you you pulled me back into those sheets with a heatwave rolling in already heard about Dallas and the alley from all my 
so-called friends and on 
the fourth day of July you had the nerve to bring her out and I walked for hours on 
the hot sex-starved streets of this town so call out 
your minions 'cause she'll need their help this night 
if you want my opinion you lost your last chance with that light.