The Reputation


The Reputation

I bet the road down south's reminding you of what you left behind these days you're so bone-tired when just a year ago you were feeling 
so fine and somewhere around Tennessee I gotta think it finally sank in Chicago 8 hours gone you're going through this alone again 
and we drive just a little more time to laugh with your friends to watch the sun coming up without wondering if you'll see it again and it's not all right but the only thing that I can do is try to get you through tonight I thought the best thing for you was to get you thinking about something else grab a six-pack and head for a bridge watch the cars chase themselves and the one thing we don't talk about is you may never be coming back no matter how many times I check the mail it never says I'm a match for awhile let's talk of all the places we're gonna go when I'm down your way 
in March and we already know that it's safe to say casual things like after you come home I'll finally be done with school and we can both have a little more time to laugh with our friends and it's all right because the only thing we're worried about is making last call tonight.