The Refusers

Do You Want A Flu Shot?

The Refusers

Do you want a flu shot?
I rolled into town
to see what I could find
I pulled into the lot
and parked between the lines
Lady on the radio
has snake oil advertised
worthless shots on sale
for $19.95

Do you want a flu shot?
I don’t want your flu shot
N. O.
Long Tall Sally
she’s snorting flu mist in the alley
It’s making her come down
with a fever and a sneeze
The clerk is lazy
That drug store is shady
A bunch of quacks
act like they’re selling crack

Do you want a flu shot?
Do I look stupid?
I don’t want your flu shot
I refuse!
Whoa baby
these jokers are crazy
Let’s get out of here
before they flip their lids
The pharmacist is evil
he’s squirting needles
he’s just a weasel
he’s coming after me.

Do you want a flu shot?
You make me sick!
I don’t want your flu shot
Do you work for Bill Gates?
Do you want a flu shot?
You’re practicing medicine without a license!
I don’t want your flu shot
Big harm, Big Pharma
Big harm from Big Pharma!