The Reason

Red Sky At Dawn

The Reason

Courage. Through the rain, with love as our anchor. There's 
just enough here to show us the courage that courses through the veins. Knock it down like a bridge. Set it up 
like a prechorus. These are the tales that our grandfathers 
tell to their young. Now we're lost. This ship is no such 
place for heathens and harbingers. It's a shame, son. This 
is the line that you crossed. It's the fine line that 
separated caskets from carpenters. I wish we'd wash our 
hands of this and watch you drift away. We need the last 
word. Don't let him go. He seems to be getting away. Ready? 
Aim. Fire. Go for the throat. Don't be surprised if he 
already knows how numbered his days are and how fast we'll 
pull the plug on this three-ring circus. I swear. Son, this 
is business. If you betray us, all traitors are fit with 
cement shoes. Tonight, when you sleep with the fishes, you 
can measure the tides as your heathen embraces you. Once 
we've washed out hands of this we'll watch you float away. 
This is what happens when your friends turn their backs. 
Now we turn the table. This is your well deserved revenge. 
Get used to this. Find a stonger ship. You're the one 
that's sinking. The current's too slow, by steady. Pushing 
you away, disturbing its flow and burning. You'll becoming 
one with the waves. This is so pure. This is banishment 
forever. Have you lost your way? The red sun is over the 
horizon as we drink to the future. Here's to everything 
after the sun sets tonight. I'll see you, far from sober. 

We'll watch you as you sink. We've drank the last of the 
rye. As sure as the sun sets tonight I'll see you south of 
the Cape of True Love. On the floor of the Ocean of 
Friendships. I'll see you in hell if that's what you want 
me to do. It's ironic sometimes how we meet our demise. As 
the fishes feast out of the backs of your eyes, let this 
tale be a lesson in life. 
You only get back what you give, son. 
Fuck you.