The Real Mckenzies

Ballad Of Jon Silver

The Real Mckenzies

We were schooner rigged and rakish with a long and lissome hull 
And we flew the pretty colors of the crossbones and the skull 
Wed a big black Jolly Roger flappin grimly at the fore 
And we sailed the Spanish waters in the happy days of yore 
So we sailed with booty on the board 
Lived a life of whisky and the sword 
Plundered them and pretty pranks we played 
Laughed at them and then we sailed away 
Wed a long brass gun amidships like a well-conducted ship, 
We had each a brace of pistols and a cutlass at the hip, 
Its a point that tells against us and a fact to be deplored, 
But we chased the goodly merchant men and laid their ships aboard 
So we sailed with booty on the board 
Lived a life of whisky and the sword 
Plundered them and pretty pranks we played 
Laughed at them and then we sailed away 
Then the dead men fouled the scuppers 
And the wounded filled the chains 
And the paintwork all was spatter-dashed, 
With other peoples brains. 
She was boarded she was looted 
She was scuttled till she sank 
And the pale survivors left us 
By the medium of the plank