A feeling of dread passes over as the alarm is set off The walls have been breached, a cloaked assailant trespasses, now lost Whereabouts unknown Buried in the thousands of, bodies strewn across this once Sacred city silently he waits in the shadows Of the incredible, structures that are constructed On this divine land He will be the one, to destroy the balance put in place by the Gods who entrusted this Race that is supposed to bring peace to the world down below He was summoned, from the Dark Realms He will be the one, to destroy the balance put in place by the Gods who entrusted this Race that is supposed to bring peace to the world down below He was summoned, by the traitor Slowly he will bring an end to everything the gods worked for Unless there is some sort of Intervention by the race that inhabit the 13 isles They will not prosper He will use his powers to disable the shrine Until the traitor gains Power over everything that lies below All are damned