Tom: C (E5 C5 D5) .in a cold morning the man were hungry searching the past the future is angry the angels backing running and walking the horses were crashing the angels downing (A5 C5 F5 G5) .the rain was hot the fire was cold the angels back the demon's come the killers came with terrible clothes the people went out running in the cold (D5 C5 Bb5 C5 D5) R .A real kind of fantasy I can feel the fear in me (2x) (E5 C5 D5) .we didn't have blue eyes for them for all the people was the end the people went into the trains destroying the woman eslaving the man (A5 C5 F5 G5) .the family ended the rooms with mads and the people can't see the past we didn't have family nothing to see didn't go back I belong to me (D5 C5 Bb5 C5 D5) R .A real kind a fantasy I can feel the fear in me … (D5 E5 D5 E5 D5 E5 )