The Rabble

Bad Reputation

The Rabble

Tom: E

E|---| |-2-|    |-2-|    |---|
B|---| |-3-|    |-3-|    |-2-|
|-1-|    |-4-|    |-2-|    |-2-|    
|-2-|    |-4-|    |-0-|    |-2-|    
E|-2-| |-2-|    |---|    |-0-|
B|-0-| |---|    |---|    |---|
  E        B        D        A

Like this :

E                B
I'd like to say: Hello, dear god
D                       A
I've got some questions that need an answer from you

And play power chords like this:

E : X799XXX
B : 799XXX
D : X755XX
A : 755XXX