The Purrs

She's Gone

The Purrs

I hear you're worried
Because it doesn't ring true
You've got the patience of a patient
That is waiting in Code Blue

There is no answer
And so you flip through your life
And make a list of everything
You will say tonight

Between the black and the white
Between the day and the night
Show me, show me what you want
And I will turn into a concrete statue of a restaurant

I have no worries
Because there's nothing to care about
Here and there and everywhere
It's always just the same

She's gone
Blowing out the sun and
She's gone
Somewhere farther to run

Yeah and though it's sunny
She's got a raincoat on
To protect herself
From everything and everyone

You'd better watch her
And I can tell you a fact
That it's crazy to be chasing
What is never coming back

The rules are hard to explain
Oh, what was her name?

She's gone
I told you one hundred times
She's gone
Baby, you're next in line

She's gone
I got no use for the floor
She's gone
She's already out the door

She's gone
I told you one hundred times
She's gone
Baby, you're next in line

She's gone
I got no use for the floor
She's gone
She's already out the door

She's gone
She is my new best friend
She's gone
And this will never end

She's gone
And you, you are the same
She's gone
Yeah come to me for the pain

She's gone
She is the spit in my drink
She's gone
And no one even thinks

She's gone
You tell that freak on the floor
She's gone
You kinda look like her