It's a bittersweet relationship The cost he had to pay The life that he could have lived Versus the life he gave away It started many years ago When he was just a lad Just a teen trying the make the scene And not feel so fucking bad So like any stout young man He took well to the drink He didnt care where he was going Or even stop to think He roared on though his teenage years Living hard and fast With whiskey, girls, parties and friends One long drunken bash chorus: A seductive glance, a dirty kiss The draw that'll never miss It's a sweetness that he can't resist When the bottle hits his lips It's a curse that will follow him Wherever that he goes His life will never be his to live 'Cause whiskey ran the show Its amazing how much you don't recall When you walk though life trashed Drunk as hell and full of good times But you know it couldn't last Living hard and living fast Was bound to take its toll By the time he was thirty he lost his job Left out in the cold All he had left was the girl he loved She said she'd be true to him Swearing to him that she'd never leave She'd be there though thick and thin That only lasted though another binge Leaving her quite appalled She left that bastard on the spot And wouldn't return his calls chorus So he spent those next lonely years Drunk in dirty bars Torn by those past afflictions Life's little scars He tried to quit, over and over And put the bottle down But before the night was over He'd be buying another round Years did pass and years he aged He grew weary and grew old His only friend was the Devil's whiskey That gleefully took his soul His time is short, his life is spent And there's nothing left to save The last gift whiskey had for him Was that of an early grave chorus