The Psalms Project

Psalm 9 (Fighting For Me)

The Psalms Project

I will praise You, O Lord with all of my heart
And I will declare all of Your marvelous wonders
All Your marvelous wonders
And I will be glad and I’ll rejoice in You
And I will sing praise to Your name, to Your name, to Your name

When my enemies retreat in defeat before me
At Your presence they’ll fall
For all this time, You’ve been fighting for me
All of this time, yeah, all of this time, all of this time You’ve been fighting for me
Yeah all of this time, You’ve been fighting for me
Even when I thought You’d left me, You were fighting for me
Interceding for me

Great is Your faithfulness
Great Is Your faithfulness
Time and time again, You have delievered Your people from their enemies
Time and time again You’ve made the vain look foolish, You have destroyed the wicked
You have erased their names from the pages of history
You’ve left their glory in ruins, You have erased their cities
No one remembers them, their glory disappears

But the Lord shall endure forever
He has prepared His throne to rid the world of all evil
He will judge the world with righteousness
He will set up a righteous government in all the earth
In all the earth

And the Lord shall be a refuge for the suffering in times of trouble
Those who know Your name will put their trust in You
For You have not forsaken those who seek You

Sing praises to the Lord, enthroned on Zion’s hill
Declare to everyone His marvelous wonders
He will avenge the damage the enemy has done
He never will forget the cry of the afflicted
Be gracious to me, Lord, see all I suffer from those who hate me
And You will lift me up from the gates of death
That I may sing Your praises in the gates of the daughter of Zion
That I may rejoice in Your salvation
The enemy is vanquished by the schemes he has devised
Yahweh is famous for His ways of bringing justice

And the wicked shall return to where they belong
And all of the nations who forget God
And the needy shall not always be forgotten
And their hope will never die
Their hope will never die, no
Their hope will never die, no
Their hope will never die

Arise, O Lord
Arise, rise, rise Lord
Do not let man and His ways prevail
Bring justice to the nations, bring justice to the nations, bring justice to the nations
Put them in fear, O Lord, let the nations know they are merely men
That You are God and they are men
You are God and they are men
You are God and they are just men