The Psalms Project

Psalm 19 (The Heavens Declare)

The Psalms Project

The heavens declare the glory of God
The skies proclaim the work of His hands
Day after day, they pour forth speech
Night after night, they teach

There is no place, nowhere on earth
Where their voice cannot be heard
Their words go out through all the earth
To the end of the world

In them God has placed the sun
Rising from his grand pavilion
Like a groom coming out of his chamber to see his bride

Like a strong man runs his race with joy
It laughs and bounds its way across the sky
There is nothing hidden from its warmth
And the perfect love of God

The law of the Lord is perfect
Converting and reviving the soul
The testimonies of the Lord are sure
Making the foolish wise
The precepts of the Lord are right
Delighting and rejoicing the heart
The commandment of the Lord is pure
Enlightening the eyes

And the fear of the Lord
Is clean, it endures forever
And the judgments of Yahweh
Are true and always right

His word is more to be desired
Than all the finest gold in the world
Sweeter than the honeycomb
In His word is warning and great reward

Who can understand the depths of his sin?
Cleanse me from hidden faults
Turn me away from willful sins
Don’t let them have mastery over me
And then I’ll be blameless
And I’ll be innocent

May the words of my mouth
The meditation of my heart
Be pleasing unto You
My rock and my redeemer