Help! Help, Lord For the godly cease to be For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men Everybody speaks idle words with smooth-talking Flattering lips and a double heart May the Lord cut off all truth-perverting Flattering lips and the tongue that speaks with pride The tongue that speaks with pride For this is what they say With the words we speak we’ll conquer With our tongue and our lips, the weapons of our choice There’s no God over us It’s a war of words And our enemies think they will win For the oppression of the poor, now I will arise, says the Lord For the groaning of the needy, now I will arise, says the Lord I will give my salvation to whosoever yearns for it in his heart The words of the Lord are pure words Not the lying wicked words of men The words of the Lord are pure words Purified pure as silver that’s purified seven times You will keep them, You’ll preserve them for all time Now and forever The wicked prowl on every side when evil is exalted among the sons of men