They claw their way into our lives and destroy what we could become Hollowed eyes staring back through the holes of a chain link prison you find your self's escaping ones tragedy just to become an unwilling member of today's society... Bodies Rotting and eaten away courtesy of hunger x2 Maybe just another fucking disease those who have been continuously demoralized for their suspicions of government they are now the only sane ones left everything is so complex all power has become a domestic police force ready.. Willing and able to do the bidding of leviathan they will try to stop civil unrest to force mandatory prisons those who are willing to stand their ground break free don't be a fucking slave or you will end up pathetic and rotting away they will try to stop civil unrest to force mandatory prisons those who are willing to stand their fucking ground..... Don't believe in the Dark Monument!!! he is the one who foreshadows your demise.. just like a puppet you are forced to live in this state of mind which you can never control!!! In their eyes your are minions to their campaigns!! If in America we trust we shall not overcome...