(Schooners of the black attack! Schooners of the black!) x 4 Gettin' up and fallin' down, think I'll buy another round! You're goin' hard or you're goin' home, no fun to drink black alone! (Schooners of the black attack! Schooners of the black!) x 4 I go out and drink for fun, drink hard 'till the mornin' comes, have no need to feel chill pill, drink until I swill my fill! I take my chances on the street, a car could sweep me from my feet, reach the pub I'm safe again, protected by my dusky friend, I have no fear of cardiac, thunderstorm or lightning crack, My destiny remains on track, schooners of the black attack! (Schooners of the black attack! Schooners of the black!) x 4 On any night I can be found, schooners of the black go down, my motto should be understood - BEER IS GOOD YEAH BEER IS GOOD! (Beer is good yeah, beer is good) x 4 (Schooners of the black attack! Schooners of the black!) x 6 Schooners of the black attack! Schooners of the black attack!