Departed from the dominion Fleets arriving from warp drive The planet has been analyzed A progenitor of millennia, a feast in all its splendour Fetid battle beings within nanoshells Tactical formations form a halo above Within an instant, corundum beams engage Worldly crusts begin to waver Ancient entities evaporate Unaware they flee, the cowards! Gravity dissipates as planetoid matter disintegrates The seismic onslaught trembling the planetary system Defiant resistance takes a stand in vain Primitive armaments humiliated Technologies of an inferior civilization Implosion of the wormhole Entire fleets swallowed Hulls distorting A fissure in the construct of time The vacuum consumes all in its vicinity Being pulled through the void Thousands thrown into boundless oblivion Computation of the outcomes was imprecise Flung into an unknown dimension Of gigantic gods, parasitic deities