Falling, Part 2 It was coffee for her- and tea for me I'm an American man- she teaches chemistry All of her life in Lancashire It's just too many days- with too many tears And we were falling in love- as we were falling down, down, down, down Down through the clouds- from an all-time high And it was all in her mind- as she was breaking down, down, down, down Down through the air- before she hit the ground All in one night- our friends were there They came one in the same- the came from everywhere All of my life- I think I'm wasting time in too many ways It's just too many days... And we were falling in love- as we were falling down, down, down, down Down through the clouds- from an all-time high And it was all in her mind- as she was breaking down, down, down, down Down through the air- before she hit the ground Oh and I think it's bringing me down, down, down, down, down While my feet are touching the ground And while their heads keep spinning around, round, round... And we were falling in love- as we were falling down, down, down, down Down through the clouds- from an all-time high And it was all in her mind- as she was breaking down, down, down, down Down through the air- before she hit the ground