I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Nicholas Foster I'm not the best looking guy you'll find But I enjoy Camel Reds and a good piece of Bocelli And when I've had a few too many, I do things I regret So I walked over to the bar to meet my friend Hey, Foster! Yup, that's Mikey, pint in hand looking for any mischief he can find What's been up, motherfucker I haven't seen you in ages! I knew I shouldn't, but temptation got the best of me Why do I do all these things to hurt you? Foster! Hear that asshole? His name is Ray. Says he's been seeing your lady In an intimate way! Says he beats her up, he says he treats her like a whore He says he spits in her face, yet she comes back for more It's a lie, nonesense, he's full of shit Motherfucker would be lucky if he could find his dick I was gonna let it slide, turn the other cheek But I overheard the bastard as he started to speak Got a new bitch, been a slut for a time She was Foster's once, but now she's mine And that poor old fuck Heh, he doesn't even have a clue I'm going to kill him Why do I do all these things to hurt you Why do I hurt you, oh Why do I do all these things to hurt you Why do I hurt you, oh Followed the fuck, as he went to take a piss Crept into the alley, fingers turned to fists Stayed silent, put my hands around his neck I looked into his face and sunk the glass into his breast A surge of blood, a moment passed I couldn't think, I couldn't move With every second waiting There was something they could prove Smiled, felt relief as his breath became shy His body lay limp, I had taken his life No, no, no No, no, no No, no, no Oh, fuck What have I done There's blood everywhere, look at all this blood Oh, God I wonder how much money's in his wallet I wonder if he has any family How am I going to get away with this Well he's dead anyway No luck sticking around here I better find a way to get away now... So I woke up like it was any other Sunday Had me a cup of black coffee, read the paper And had one of my favorite fags Felt right as rain until the phone rang Hello Hello, Nicholas Foster? Who's this? This is Officer Sloan from the police department Oh, Officer Sloan Where were you on the night of the 31st? I was I happened to be Happened to be at a pub at Broadway and Hurst? No, I wasn't there, actually Do you know Ray Wells? Um, Ray Wells, Ray Wells Doesn't ring any bells The 31st I was out of town Yeah, th-that's right, on business in fact You see, I was with my bird, we're in love Well, thank you for your time I'd hate to bother you And they bought it Who is it? Freeze, motherfucker! I didn't do anything Face on the floor I'm innocent I'm not getting on the floor You shit murderer You murdered someone and you know it I didn't do anything I'm innocent We know it, and you know it bet they'll love you in the shower, heheh! I didn't do anything And you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison paying for it