On the comer past the newsagent Who's cleaning up the glass from someone else's party He acknowledges his neighbour And with a capable smile and a dash of enthusiasm He informs the bus driver who's been on since 6.30 That this city's full of hawks And trafalgar square must be the Closest thing to heaven on earth This must be heaven At the city centre bus depot and enlightened Mr. Cleanam steps off the bus And with only a minute to spare avoiding the rush A little wiser mr. Cleanam feels It's quite likely that avoiding the facts It appears we're balanced on a knife edge And trafalgar square must be the closest thing To heaven on earth A day at the races, a week in majorca And a sunday drive if the weather's fine Mr. Cleanam 'I think the pigeons are restless' A little wiser mr. Cleanam 'I think the pigeons are restless' This must be heaven