Cloudy spirits paint the morning sky My bloodshot eyes watch the dreary daybreak I clutch at memories that start to fade As the neon lights go out but once again Faceless figures dance the song, The sound of pouring rain Scuttling aimlessly alone, They paint my blurred pane. Feel the sweetness of the air, A dazing heaviness Whispering tales of sun into my ears Mirror, mirror, show me who's to blame Through your shatters I am tattered, misportrayed Empty eyes that look into my own Seek the comprehension I've lost long ago The cold is spreading all around While I'm laid waste So tell me what to call a god, 'Cause mine has walked away I'm growing seeds of disbelief, But just before they burst A single beam of light breaks through the clouds again No! Bring back the Sun to me Bring back the Sun again Bring back the light, the life Or take me away Spare me from this misery, Tell me that it's not too late, Tell me that the clouds in the sky And the rain will pass by and I'll live again I don't wanna die alone I don't wanna die alone I don't wanna die...