Eyes on the water Between the continents This is Laurasia It smells so different A strong breeze blows out here The ocean is pitch black Let's not seek shelter I wanna freeze and smell your neck Soon every one of us will be dead In the great scheme of things It makes no difference It's all the same But let's not get sentimental Eyes on the water Between the continents This is Gondwana It smells so different A cold wind blows out here The sea's already dead Let's get in the water Let our bodies be the last Feel the cold Feel the night Creep up to me Let's stop and wait Until we freeze together And rest like this forever Creep inside my bones Where you have lived Since the day that we were born Since the day that we were born Sea level rise We'll be among those 5 percent We'll survive the Great Dying There is no denying As the chosen few Because that's all we've got to know And that's all you gotta know I am not here but you can Still write me Like in the beginning You're no longer next to me But this is How it's always been You were a ghost Before you became real That's how we got to know That's how we got to know Now that you are not here Now that we no longer talk I can't stop to remember How you've been offended When you realized That I'd kill to relieve a load Yes I'd kill to relieve a burden Feel the cold creep inside I am losing you to your fears Grown way out of scale Yes it's true what they say I don't love humanity Not a bit But I do value empathy While retaliating iniquities Sea level rise It's the beginning of the Great Dying Soon it will be over Long time to recover 30 million years Yes I'd kill to relieve a load Yes I'd kill to relieve a burden I am not here but you can Still write me Like in the beginning You're no longer next to me But this is how it's always been You were a ghost Before you became real That's how we got to know That's how we got to know Contemplating, trouble making Even though the air is getting hot and dry Sticking to your skin and your open wounds The Sun burns us alive That's how we got to know That's how we got to know That's how we got to know