Lo! Death has reared himself a throne In a strange city lying alone Lo! a strange town, lying alone Death has reared himself a throne Far down in the west Where the good, bad, worst, and the best have gone to their eternal rest There, shrines and towers: Death has reared himself a throne Time-eaten towers that tremble not resemble nothing, nothing that is ours Down, down in that town, shall settle hence: Hell rising from its throne, no earthly moans, Shall do it reverence. No rays from heaven coming down On the long night-time of that town But light from out the lurid sea Streams up the turrets silently Gleams up the pinnacles far and free Up domes -- up spires -- up kingly halls -- Up fanes -- up Babylon-like walls -- No swellings tell that winds may be Upon some far-off happy seas No heavings hint that winds may be On seas less hideously serene. But lo, a stir is in the air! The wave -- there is a movement there! As if the towers had thrust aside, In slightly sinking, the dull tide, Acquiescently beneath the sky The melancholy waters lie The waves now have a redder glow The hours are breathing faint and low And when, amid no earthly moans Down, down in that town, shall settle hence, Hell, rising from a thousand thrones. Shall do it reverence. Down, down in that town shall settle hence, Hell, rising from its throne, no earthly moans, Shall do it reverence. There are open fanes and gaping graves Yawn level with the luminous waves But not the riches there that lie In each idol's diamond eye Not the gaily-jewelled dead Tempt the waters from their bed So blend the turrets, shadows there That all seem pendulous in air While from a tower in the town Death looks down But lo, a stir is in the air! The waves have now a redder glow The hours are breathing faint and low And when amid no earthly moans, Down, down in that town, shall settle hence: Hell, rising from a thousand thrones, Shall do it reverence. Far down within the dim west Where the good and the bad and The worst and the best Have gone to their eternal rest. Waves have now A red glow Hours breathe low No men moan [lyrics were adapted from the poem 'The City In the Sea' by Edgar Allen Poe]