Run the wire six feet underground. Pick a number and put your hollow body on. (Crack the code and snap the neck, liver in the freezer on the bottom rack so squeeze the lung like a potato sack!) Shhh... Scrape out the belly and put it in a glass! Ditch it on the shoulder by the leg of the underpass! Tie a yellow ribbon round the pelvic bone! Freedom in a liter bottle, drink it on down! Tighten up the screw that'll keep your head on! (Jackie O, O lantern) I come to get you in my sleep (Jackie O, O lantern) Or am I coming in my sleep? (Jackie O, O lantern) I come to get me in my sleep (Jackie O, O lantern) Or are you coming in your sleep? I'm counting sheep So didn't they ask you what was the matter? Didn't they know your kind'll come with the weather? Put a pan of water on the radiator wire up the windpipe to a respirator, roll the brain in salt and wrap the heart in paper! (Jackie O, O lantern) I come to get you in your sleep (Jackie O, O lantern) Or are you coming in my sleep? (Jackie O, O lantern) Get me in your sleep (Jackie O, O lantern) Or am I coming in your sleep? (Jackie O, O lantern) I come to get you wound in a sheet.