Neville: Sir I don't much like your tone, that supercilious sneer you wear Clear, you wear a finer cut than mine Ah but a waistcoat worn can soon be torn And faggots, too, 'til maggots feed on you Rosa: Something in this speech seems ominous to me! Helena: Twin, don't over preach, pray promise this to me! Crisparkle: Praise to him divine! For this we should be glad! Jasper: Won't you try some wine? All: No good can come from bad! Jasper: My dearest nephew ned, I wish to wish you well! The world is your before you just like Cook: Oysters on the shell! Drood: Landless, (as you are and known) Your blood is hot but less than pure! Less, I'm sure, than we, your history would indicate The past of some half-caste runs through your veins Your crudeness thus explains, Rosa: Something sends a chill like feet upon my grave Helena: Can my strength and will completely neville save? Crisparkle: Could these words they say bring harm upon the lad? Jasper: Night must follow day! All: No good can come from bad! Jasper: My dearest, deepest friends, may I propose a toast; To rosa bud and edwin drood, three cheers Cook: And here's the roast! Crisparkle: How very blessed we are when oh so many starve! Thy kingdom come, thy will be done Jasper: Which one of you will carve? Neville & Drood: Glances cut like blade through bone With daggers drawn I glare at you There at you who dare presume to stare at whom I'd make my wife and share my life I'd see you dead before sweet rosa wed. Helena: Fate waits near! I feel it, I fear it! We are friends and yet they'll not soon forget Hearing neville's threat, every epithet! Crisparkle: In younger days, I hungered for another: Rosa's mother! After rosa's birth, she left this earth, Now dust is all I'm worth! Rosa: So long a time, they've thought that I'm a dresden doll Quite naive, but I perceive these boys This noise more fright'ning Than they might conceive Jasper: As I stand by, take note: Your throat sounds quite dry, this wine Should satisfy! All: With these new additions, there may be revealed Murderous admissions otherwise concealed Neville & Drood: Fie on you, I curse!!! Full warning you Have had! Helena & Rosa: Bad must lead to worse All: No good can come from bad! No good No good can come from bad!