When Moses parted the Red Sea that was nothin' When I believed the lies that you fed me that was somethin' What did you say Lord I got my self knocked out today What did you say What did you say Why did you tell you me you loved me Why did you say that you care Why did you hold my hand when you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing there When Eve took a bite of the apple that was nothin' When I believed that we'd go to the chapel that was somethin' Somethin' What did you say Lord I got myself locked up today What did you say What did you say Why did you tell you me you loved me Why did you say that you care Why did you hold my hand when you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing When David slew Goliath that was nothin' On the day that I knew who you lied with that was somethin' That was something' What did you say Lord I got myself messed up today What did you say What did you say What did you say Why did you tell you me you loved me Why did you say that you care Why did you hold my hand when you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing there When you knew there was nothing there