Scorching lungs the fall-out funeral buries deep the doomed workers Feebly shoveling lead and sand To quench 2000 degrees of fire In this gargantuan tumour The choice had already been made Safety or Siberia Positive void coefficient Retraction of power rods inefficient A flawed design in monstrous proportions Blows the 1000-tonne roof yards high The Ukranian star burns bright in the sky A thousand tons of steel and cement Dispersed like a cancerous cough Eager to hush it all up the denying Kremlin Dispatches liquidators embalmed in radiation Uncontrollable contamination Glowing nuclear devestation Magnificent no 4. Now melting uncontrollably And the name of the star is called Wormwood And the third part of the waters became wormwood And many men died of the waters Because they were made bitter Revelation 8:10-11 Red glory turns to green light Apocalyptic fires blaze Scorching lungs the fall-out funeral buries deep the doomed workers Graphite evaporates Oozing invisible death Feebly shoveling lead and sand To quench 2000 degrees of fire Attending their fall-out funeral This monstrous colossus Radiating cancer for generations to come 20,000 tonnes of steel and cement Cover the tumourous spider Awaiting her next victims The Concrete Sarcophagus