Faces of glass imprisoned in their glass lives Faces of glass wating for their glass death Faces of glass in their stupid glass world People of glass Fucking dolls of glass Looking for nothing I'm on the streer A madman at large on the streer Watching the crowd Looking for nothing I'm sitting on the same old dirty corner Hearing a thousand steps Steps in the direction of nowhere I feel small in a world of giants Face of glass passing by me Face of glass ignoring me Cause I'm alone Abandoned on pain Poor devils I feels a cold pain inside myself A pain hard to be beared I wanna cry and break the spell But nobody will hear me Glass souls - cold as ice Glass souls - cold as ice I'm just a broken link in this chain Show me the logic and' pll tear it to pieces In the mist of this battle I'm soldier that doesn't kill and will never die I smile when I fell the winds of life on my face I listen to the sad song of the beggars and cripples A shapeless and nameless God take me up in his arms And shows me the death of another nation