The Mist And The Morning Dew

Child of April's Sun

The Mist And The Morning Dew

Dream my precious, with no fear 
I'll sing my song to make you sleep 
Dream about fairies, dream about elves 
About secrets hidden behind your eyes 

Child of Aprils Sun you are 
I'll hold you to keep you warm all night 
Snowflakes floating 
I will show you how from the cold comes the light 

I will be your guard, drive the freezing winds away 
Preserve you from the cold, take you under my wing 
Like endlessness above I will be awake 
Through this winter night I will sing 

The whole world and the deepest spaces 
Waiting just for you to come 
Someday you will go my dear 
I'll give you my voice to walk with you 

I will be your guard, drive the freezing winds away 
Preserve you from the cold, take you under my wing 
Like endlessness above I will be awake 
Through this winter night I will sing 

From the Empriness comes life 
So full it will be 
You came from nowhere 
Teached me more I never knew 
And I cried with you 'cause I understood 
That in the Beginning is always the End as well... 

I will be your guard, drive the freezing winds away 
Preserve you from the cold, take you under my wing