The Mission In Motion

Ready To Go

The Mission In Motion

Feeling black and blue
I've wanted to tell you it's hard to explain
Cover up the truth
With pride cause deep down I know who's to blame

Here we go I don't where to start
Things have been really bad I'm falling apart
I know I've been acting crazy I've been
A shadow of myself lately

I'm tired of my game face
While inside I'm running a different race
I don't want to bring you down with me

I know I haven't asked for help
My pride sits in a jar on the shelf
I can't swallow it or deal with it just now
This bitter taste seems here to stay
If you got time please help me take it away
I know you know me better than myself right now

I've been know to have my shit together
Couldn't be fighting demons they're just too damn clever
Guess who's been acting crazy
I've been nuts I swear this not me
I'm ready ready for something different something more uplifted
I'm ready to go

I'm coming down
Let me come down soft
I need fixing
Before I take back off
Deep down I know

So I'm asking asking for help
I've swallowed my pride took a look at myself
Yeh I want my life I want it back on track
There's still hope now as the taste recedes
I feel stronger now I know what I need
And it's friends like you who always stick around