The quartermaster bakes a radio The traitor's a rag doll in the tornado The funnel fades to gray With hands upon the bible, who's to say? I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is all that I can shoulder anymore I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is colder than the one I held before Is colder than the one I held before If happiness is warm, I'll take the fur A wolverine that dies all for your pleasure One bullet wins the race The bible chucked into the fireplace I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is all that I shoulder anymore I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is colder than the one I held before Is colder than the one I held before She's not a girl the missus much reveres But someone else appears inside the mirror Through a window-painted face The room is filled with smoke and bible flakes I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is all that I shoulder anymore I never meant to lie This rifle called goodbye is colder than the one I held before Is colder than the one I held before The quartermaster broke the radio