The Mars Volta

Widow Solo

The Mars Volta

Tom: A

guitarist:Omar Rodriguez-Lopez(the best neo shreder!)
music by:Omar rodriguez &Cedric Bixler
tabbed by cody wilson
this song is played in 12/8 timing,slowly at about 135 I'd say.

key:bf=bend full step,b=bend 1/4 step,bbf=bend 1 1/2 step
    r=release,bb=bend 1/2 step,~~~~=vibrato

Pre Solo
  let ring-------------------------------|
Guitar Solo:this solo is played in the key of A.
 w/overdrive dist.
  play 7x                             let ring
  ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~                                ~~~~~
|-8-----8---8----rest for a--------------------------|----------------------|
|----------------little bit------7bfrp5h7p5p0-4bb----|-4554575p05p0---------|

|-----------------------------|-rest a whole bunch here-|-----------121315-|
             play 4 x

|----------17/19\17-|   Tell me how it is! please! This is a great song with
|-20-20-20----------|   a killer guitar solo,i'm surprised no one has tried
|-------------------|   to tab * volta * 'n roll!!