To escape With the rays of the sun And the mist of cold Climb into one Last view Of a garden Dressed winter's cleanest White Would it ring true Here, at the last mile to walk Would it ring true Here, at the breaker of the new Would it ring true Here, between birth and passing That this breath - Like a sparrow - Was meant to flee The grasp of winter's cold Life would barter loss For a new flickering of hope And quarrels for calm peace All Dressed winter's cleanest White Would it ring true Here, at the last mile to walk Would it ring true Here, at the breaker of the new Would it ring true Here, between birth and passing That all this breath like a sparrow Was meant to flee into A trade of birth for passing Without a shadow of doubt All words were heard And nothing was in vain In this trade of Birth for passing And the garden whispered freedom Said "You are free now, fly."