keep your gentlemen callers and your late night martyrs cuz i don't want to know what i already know that you do keep the words that you've wasted on the lips that you've tasted and the 1 a.m. phone calls, to say "i love you.... ... and we've got catching up to do soon, cuz we've both got so little to lose, and if i can keep pace to your shoes maybe i could finally keep up you've got your new life waiting and i don't want what you're saving you made me a word that you'd loved and bookmarked and "coming back to" but i'm not some book on a shelf. i can keep to myself. i can tear out the words you remembered and make this book used. ... and we've got catching up to do soon, cuz we've both got so little to lose, and if i can keep pace to your shoes maybe i could finally keep up .... to you