The Lost Dogs

Red, White and Blue

The Lost Dogs

Well, the worst that I could get there
Was the lead in my gut
But the worst that you can give me
Is this lead in my cup
I might be all washed up
But I'm a pretty good man
Sure, I'm hard as a nail
But I will sell you the blood on my hands

I'm looking at you
(Tell me what do you see)
I'm looking at you
(And I won't go away)
In the light of the star spangled evening
In the name of the red white and blue

My Daddy said "A man has
Got to fight to be free"
Tucked his slogans in the bed
There with my brothers and me
He'd be prouder now
If I had never come home
I wear the shoes and the clothes
And the crown of the soldier unknown

I'm looking at you

You say give me a break
I say show me you're broken
My lame and legless comrades have spoken
Say jump in a lake
I say you got to be jokin'
Where I come from the lake is smokin'

I will labor for your wages
For the cash of the realm
I will tell you all my stories
You can write em down
But you can save your tears
For the names on the wall
I'm a living reminder that
Pride comes before a fall

I'm looking at you