The Lost Dogs

Reasonable Service

The Lost Dogs

In every soul an altar stands
There on dwells all in the heart of man
Oh consuming fire lay waste the dross
Upon this table purge us
Though the sacrifice we'll fear
Forsake us not Lord draw us near
For we never fail to find you here
In our reasonable service

Now the least that we can do
Is the least that you require
Living sacrifices on
The sacrificial fire
Cleanse these earthen vessels Lord
Of every false desire
And when we fail the do the least
Help us in our unbelief

And in the measure of our faith
Let our minds keep on renewing
Not conforming to this world
Until this worlds undoing
And by your tender mercies Lord
Your perfect will pursuing
We become an offering
Made holy through your suffering

In the servitude of love
Drifts a fragrant scent well pleasing
As the strength of grace compels us on
To a worship without ceasing
To count as loss all we hold dear
Is Christ in us increasing
And through the fire gold will remain
To live is Christ to die is gain