Seducer, seducer I heard the devil curse I recognized my name Immaculate deception I prophesied my fame Seducer My slight-of-hand genius You fell under the spell My scientific knowledge You called them miracles I'm the seducer I'm the seducer All the kings and kingdoms from beggars to the Czars Believed me when I told you thatI rose into the stars I ran and hid in Dead Seas My wife and son set sail I'm the blood of the Merovingians houses the Holy Grail I'm the seducer I'm the seducer Your excellencies please follow me Seize the reigns of government I got the power of the Priory I got the skull called Baphomet I come down from the Rosy Cross Oh hallowed be my name I heard the Pope proclaim I'm the One-the Same I'm the Anti, guess my name I'm the seducer I'm the seducer I'm the seducer I'm the seducer I'm the seducer I'm the Seducer