Throwing corpses on the fire Burning crosses in your mind Whirling vortex of your desire Failed experiments compiling Burning landscapes, sacking towers Endless bounty stained by blood Blustering prattle you called power Leading cattle to the slaughter Warm and sheltered in my tower Far from harm's way, I'll make good While you're bleeding in your trenches I dare believe that I'm misunderstood My eyes are shut my limbs are bound 'Till the next of the bastards in crowned But the fire still burns in my mind Shouldn't come as a shock to me When the battle is finally lost And you wait in the wings without sound While you're flogging an alien corpse As I witness this mockery Turning my blood Turning my blood to stone As you wait for the curtain to fall And you hide in the shadows and screams As the chorus comes issuing forth "All is your vanity" In martyrdom's shackles you reign While you're draining the blood from the ground Removing the sight from our eyes Endless insanity Turning my blood Turning my blood to stone