The Lookouts

Why Don't You Die

The Lookouts

I wanna know why you wanna kill me
Why don't you die
For telling the truth and trying to be free
Why don't you die
Why your lack of values means I have to cry 
Why don't you die
No fucking self-respect and I wanna know why
Why don't you die why don't you die why don't you die
You don't care what's rigth or wrong you'll do anything for money
Mass murder for teh sake off greed you think it's fucking funny
Why don't you die
You fill the world with poison every time you take a breath 
You're always there on my TV merchandising death
Toxic waste dump for a brain you're so glamorous and cool
Always dressed in the lasted atyles a cute little fascist tool
There's no excuse for your ignorance you've had your fucking chance
You'll be rigth there on the killing floor when death does it's final dance
Why don't you die