One! Two! One two, one-two-three- We are a crowd and we are loud We're cheering as a group At our favorite event We're gonna cheer cause we are here With all of us together We have nothing to fear Now all of the ladies say woo (woo!) And all of the fellas say crowd (yeah!) We're drinking beer and doing cheers Been crowds like us for millions of years We are all here, we're not at home As long as we're together, we can't be alone We are a crowd and we are loud We're cheering as a group at our favorite event We are not one, we are a ton There's safety in numbers, so now it is fun We are a crowd crowd crowd Yes we are a crowd And so we shout shout shout Because beer is allowed And there's no doubt doubt doubt That we're helping out Because without-out us there would be no crowd We are a crowd!