This is the worst team I have ever played with in my life When we finally get on the point, everyone dies I understand that every now and then a team won't click When it comes to you, I don't think I can sympathize You should've picked mercy You should've picked any kind of support We ended up losing, and it's all your fault You should learn how this game works You should’ve been helping Everybody’s bickering, settling scores There isn’t much left in the medicine drawers I’ve picked mine, what the heck is up with yours? You’ve left the rest of us bereft of support Let me question y’all on where mercy is? Existing without her is merciless So what on earth is this? Your pick’s purposeless We’ve delegates of every nation but Swiss The team needs a certain insertion It’s hurting, ring the surgeon, it’s urgent She’s a winged wingman Wingperson Eloquent in English and in German Turning the tables, a medical DJ That resurrect was incredible, replay! Perfect! Look at it. Yes, it’s lovely Lacking luck? Then you certainly should have picked Maybe I'll be tracer I'm already tracer What about Widowmaker? I'm already Widowmaker I'll be bastion Nerf bastion You're right, so, Winston I wanna be Winston I should try Kiriko! I was trying Kiriko Junker queen or sojourn tho? I am playing both of those I have an idea What's your idea? You should be I'm not gonna be mercy