Behold, the dark abysmal glory Inferno furnace, it must feed on us Now bring the lambs to slaughter, fire and brimstone symphony Singing lullabies of heresy The beast eats your heart Beast eats your heart Blind your eyes to recognize You were fucked from the start Fucked from the start Erased from the world forever And when your bones are swept under the rug Do you regret the pain you caused? Tearing the skin and destroying what lies within Smashing, descending into darkness The skies bleed black, no going back The skies bleed black No going back Turning and grinding the worthless of remnants Memories like beacons serve to feed the flames Your skin turned to liquid, doomed are the wicked Your cries for mercy only bring you more pain Feed the flames, annihilating what you knew Nothing can stop what's coming to you Singing lullabies of heresy The beast owns your heart Beast owns your heart Open your eyes and recognize You were fucked from the start Fucked from the start Red rays of hell Begin to singe Descend into darkness Behold, the dark abysmal glory Inferno furnace, it must feed on us Now bring the lambs to slaughter, fire and brimstone symphony Red rays of hell Begin to singe Nothing can save your flesh from the flame Behold, the symphony of the dark abysmal glory Bring the lambs to slaughter, the inferno must feed Nothing can save your flesh from the flame