Here's my letter: Dear John of sorts, An explanation of my change of course: Maybe you'll join me, maybe you won't. the mass mind, guided by few, an original thought is well overdue, but the program runs thick and I... I want it out of me. I stayed in line. I kept my head low. I looked straight ahead. I bought what they sold. I went to church... so I wouldn't burn for eternity. I know it's risky, they'll call me a fool, but I'm tired of living somebody else's rules. I've been molded & specialized without awareness. I've missed out on so much already. A Lifetime of programmed response... A lifetime of programmed thought... It's just not my essence. So tell them all, "Fare thee well" I love them deeply, but I'm off this trail. I don't wanna get by, I wanna live like the me that I am. So tell them all, "Fare thee well" I've loved them deeply, I'm off this trail. So tell them all, "Fare thee well"