In 2004 I read a letter in the star It were about a german market in the town They were sellin fancy cheese an meet, an continentil wine An the author of the letter had to frown Cause where's he gonna park Where's he gonna park His shopmobility scooterrrrrr…… Tadaaaayyyy X 2 In 2005 I heard a tale in the pub Big frank were tekkin scooter down to shop Well half way there , he hit the kerb an battery went flat Now he's stuck about ½ a mile from co-op. An where's he gonna charge Where's he gonna charge His shopmibility scooterrrr……. Tadaaayyyyy Tadaaayyyyy In 2006 I had me eye on fairer sex I where tryin t impress this lovely lass called jean I got meself a rascal an painted lightning on the side Now I'm courting, an its thanks to mean machine But where am I gonna put jean Where am I gonna put jean In me shopmobility scooterrrrr…. Tadaaayyyyyy Tadaaayyyyy I love you jean…