Oh eye I know broadbands cheap but you're cheaper Listen to this You were up all night on t'internet downloading naughty films but theres one vital thing you didn't do A momentary lapse in concentrations left a gap now your whole hard drive is up the wall Oh a trojan horse has entered A worm is in C drive I told you all about McAfee It hasn't taken long and now I've written you this song before you wit' download is what for dee? Get thee sen a firewall Ger thee sen internet security Get thee sen a firewall Download one for free Now theres so many x-rated pop-ups You can hardly bloomin' think With every X click you get five more Your desktop needs a tidy It'll take till a week next Friday And wifes here now she wants to talk on Skype So you tried delete your history And get rid of all cookies Calm down your getting sweaty Whats the rush? You've left it all too late Your shared folder was an open gate Gone and got yourself a big virus I told ya Should have had a firewall Should have had internet security Should have had a firewall Download one for free