Rise and wake my Uruk-Hai Under the gaze of Sauron's eye For dark Mordor and Isengard Strike them down - hit them hard! Sauron waits and he waits in vain For possession of the master ring With evil thoughts dark lords entwine Mankind needs the strength to die! Rise and wake my Uruk-Hai Under the gaze of Sauron's eye For dark Mordor and Isengard Strike them down - hit them hard! Grant them pain and give me power As I wait in this fucking tower In blasphemy of elves and men Crushed under blades of deadly sin See their pain and see my power Destruction reigns, creation flowers So strike forth my bastard horde The sons of whores shall rule the world A white hand grasps for the master ring I'll crown myself the evil king Of Middle-earth of Endor all For us to rise - the gods must fall! Marching forth under blackened skies