Tom: A starts in with a little bit of palm muting on E chord up on the 7th fret of the a string E|-----------------| ----------------------------------------------| B|-----------------| ---------------------7h8----------------------| G|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| -9--7----7--6--4--7-------9-------------------| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-| -9--7----7--6--4--7---------------------------| A|-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-| -7--5----5--4--2--4---------------------------| E|-----------------| ----------------------------------------------| pm............... after that u repeat it but with out the palm mutes then it goes in the main beat of the whole song which is riff 1 Riff 2 E|------------------| e---------------------| B|-22222--2222------| B-22222-2222----------| G|-22222--22224p2p0| x2 G-22222-2222----------| x3 D|-22222--2222------| D-22222-2222-----0-2--| A|-00000--0000------| A-00000-0000-0-3------| E|------------------| E---------------------| on the third time of riff 2 ray starts singing and then it will switch to riff 3 E|-22222-2222---------------| Then u go back to riff 2 you'll hear it B|-33333-3333---------------| G|-22222-2222-----0-2-------| x1 D|-00000-0000-0-2-----------| A|--------------------------| E|--------------------------| then the chorus comes in and it's a little different but pretty much same stuff you'll play A chord but not the riff and then when u hear the switch u play riff 3 twice then u play A chord and then hit a single D so it goes A/A/A/A A/A/A/D ,riff 3 X2 ,A/A/A/A A/A/A/D ,then riff 3 X1 Then the last time he does a little riff E|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-777-7b-7p5----------| D|-777--------7-5------| A|-555-----------------| E|---------------------|