Tom: Em

Lai lai lai loway loway 3x

G                 D
Moe and Joe run a country store
G                D        G
Telling fat on behind the door
G                D
That ram more as Joe run out
G                 D       G
Running more he begins to shout

G                  D
Run Joe, there’s a man at the door, run
G              D
Joe, the money won’t let me go run
G           C
Joe, run as fast as you can, run
D                        G
Joe, police’s holding me hand

Lai lai lai loway loway 2x

G                    D
Good day Juanita get into bed
G                 D        G
Call a doctor and tie your head
G               D
Get a lawyer to stand me bail
G                             D      G
I don’t want to sleep in this rotten jail


Lai lai lai loway loway 2x

G                   D
When they take me before the tarch
G                D      G
I am going to be ninety charge
G                  D
If I don’t I’ll be looking good
G                       D      G
Behind the bars with me stripy suit


Lai lai lai loway loway 2x

G                      D
When the judge asks me how I plea
G                   D       G
Not guilty sir most decisively
G                D
You can see just at a glance
G               D     G
I’m a victim of circumstance


Lai lai lai loway loway 2x

   G                 D
Me mommy told me not long ago
   G                   D      G
To keep away from that rotten Joe
G               D
If I do what me mommy say
  G                   D      G
I wouldn’t be in this mess today


Police man is catching up the Joe
Joe run too slow
Lai lai lai loway loway 3x