He left the town where he'd always lived and he made a pilgrimage to the fountain to see what he could find The tattoo shops and T-shirt Stalls looked just like the shopping malls in the town he thought that he had left behind He can't get over the counter culture's an over the counter culture's all over the counter culture's been water downed and warped there's just vultures on the corpse He lost his personality He wonders who he's meant to be Mediocrity surrounds him on all sides He needs a sense of relevance or something to rebel against There's no expression to the way he feels inside He can't get over... There's nothing left to say that won't be taken as a cliche He had a forty on St. Marks, He got high on Haight the roles seem as prescribed, as the ones he tried to escape He used to take his medicine, his Aderol and Ritalin He took all they gave him to help him fit in Now hes got alcohol and speed, he can get dope and LSD It takes him close to an overdose to feel whole again He can't get over the counter culture... Went to the fountain just to find empty bottles left behind